LifeStyle & Environment

10 Habits To Be Successful In ANYTHING!

Success requires work, commitment, and a teensy bit of luck! But other than your sweat and blood, it also demands a change in your habits. Healthy choices in everyday life ensure a better mind, body, and environment. As a result, you are able to give your absolute best to your goals in progress, leading to better outcomes and inevitable success. The following are ten habits all successful people vouch for!


1.   Be Disciplined About Work

Three hours of UNDISTRACTED work every day. And when I say undistracted, I mean no email, no TV, no phone, no nothing. Just work. You will be surprised how much work you get done in this time frame. If you stay consistent, these three hours every day will ultimately lead to your success! 


2.   Look Presentable

Yes, even if you are an at-home entrepreneur or a freelancer! In fact, this is probably even MORE important for YOU. You see, when we are at home without other people around us and no employers breathing down our necks, we tend to procrastinate much more. 


Our mind is habitual of the fact that if we are wearing comfortable clothes, it means we are supposed to feel comfortable. This is why many people feel incredibly sleepy in their PJs, dont want to work, and dont feel motivated enough even after tons of caffeine. 


Dressing up every day has three benefits: 

  1. You move your muscles and joints. The blood starts flowing in your body and brain, making you feel more energetic.
  2. When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, your energy levels go high, just like your serotonin.
  3. When the serotonin goes high, it helps you feel happier. So not only is this benefiting your work, but it is also benefitting you in your personal life. When you feel happier, you work better and are much more productive. 


3.   Dont Underestimate Having A Routine.

Got to bed and wake up at a set time daily to increase energy levels and build discipline. Having a proper sleep and following your biological alarm clock will lead to a better mind, a better body, and eventually, success! 


This also includes having a proper morning routine that involves tasks like your shower, breakfast, meditation, exercise, or whatever it is that you want to include in that time. Make sure that everything incorporated in your morning routine makes you feel HAPPIER and REDUCES the stress in your mind and body. Starting your day the right way is incredibly important, and even more important is making it into a routine you follow every day. 


4.   Improve Your Communication Skills 

I always say this: 

"Communication will take you to all those places where money and connections cannot."

And this is not a quote I read on the internet; it is something I have done all my life and observed the results it brings. 


The right tone, the right language, the right body movements, the right facial expressions, the way you say something, the way you listen- all these details are a part of your communication skills. They will do wonders in your life, whether you work for someone or are an entrepreneur, freelancer, or artist- whatever! 


So work on your communication skills. Watch youtube videos, read articles every day, do self-analysis and self-study, and implement the knowledge on yourself to improve over time. 


5.   Short-term Goals< Long-term Goals

Make short-term sacrifices for your long-term goals. Always look at the bigger picture. Do I need to invest in this business or go on that trip this weekend? Which is more important for my future? Where do I want to spend my time and money right now? 


6.     Be Picky About Your Time, Energy, And Money. 

These three things are your biggest assets and should always be spent wisely. As a freelancer and an entrepreneur, time is money, and you are not getting it back once you spend it. So make sure that when you give someone your time, it is worth it. The same goes for your energy. 


When you have a hundred different things to do every day, every spec of energy counts, so dont spend it on things that are not important. For example, when you wake up feeling the most productive and your energy levels are high, dont waste it on picking an outfit. If this task unnecessarily takes away your time and precious energy, do it the night before. 


Did you know that all successful billionaires do the same thing? They either have a similar outfit they wear every day, or they pick their outfits the night before. This helps them retain their energy and time for more important things. For example, Mark Zuckerberg wears the same t-shirt all the time and Steve Jobs wore the same black collar neck shirt daily to avoid wastage of time and energy.


7.     Exercise Is For The Mind, The Body, And The Wallet. 

Work out at least two or three times a week. It helps train your body and mind, builds discipline and resilience, and increases your energy. Be consistent with it, and you will notice incredible changes in your mental and physical health. Being healthy as a whole will always lead to better work and better results.  


Also, while you work hard on your cardio, dont forget your mind muscles. They, too, need a regular workout, so incorporate mental exercises into your routine, like puzzles and riddles, for example. Doing this helps keep your brain in tune and stimulates creativity and problem-solving skills. 


8.   Caffeine Is Not Bad! 

If you are a caffeine lover and people keep telling you to stop, this tip will be your favorite. Did you know that lack of caffeine can keep your energy levels down? Caffeine is not bad for you. In fact, science and research have proven plenty of times that having the right amount in your diet can help improve your mental and physical health. 


It can help you in your personal relationships, your work, business, and everything else relevant. So, if you stick to the right amount, caffeine can lead to better results and have a prominent role in your success. 


9.     100% To Everything. 

Treat everything important to you with excellence and see how your life changes. If you dont give 100% to your workouts, you are not going to give 100% to your business. If something matters to you, give it your best. 


This will create a habit in you to never do anything halfheartedly. You either do something with complete dedication, or you dont take it up altogether. This trait is vital in entrepreneurship because it teaches you to:


  • put in extra effort
  • how to prioritize
  • choose your battles

10.        Be Optimistic But Realistic. 

Toxic positivity is real. It means you are so overly optimistic that you refuse to see when things are not working out. You dont acknowledge that there are flaws and mistakes in what you are doing. In worst-case scenarios, people invest their time, energy, and money into things that are not meant for them.


They do not know when to stop, reflect and change certain things. So while it is always great to be positive and encouraged, you must also stay realistic. Is your business working out? Why is it not working out? Is it making enough revenue to satisfy your financial goals? If it is not, what is the flaw in it? How do you fix it? Is investing more time, money, and energy worth it, or should you stop and start something else? Having a constructive mindset with a balance of optimism and realism is what you need. 


My Last Advice

Before I sign off, here is one last piece of advice: 

What worked out for somebody else might not work out for you, and not all the tips suggested by someone will be equally implementable for you. This is because everybody has different circumstances, lifestyles, environments, and personalities. 


So when somebody gives you a tip, even if it is me, analyze it. Does it sound practical for you? Can you implement it in your life? If you can, great. If you cant, think about how you can mold it or get inspired by it to create your own solution.


These habits and tips have helped me over the years as a student, a physical therapist, a freelancer, and now an entrepreneur. They are tried and tested, and I hope they work for you just as they have worked out for me. Which of these is your favorite, and would you like more of such tips? Let me know ?????



  • nopic
    • Aqsa
    • 8 July 2022

    Very helpful habits. Just realized I should be more disciplined and set a routine.

  • nopic
    • Maria
    • 5 July 2022

    Really loved this

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