LifeStyle & Environment

15 Steps To a Perfect Routine

15 Steps to a Perfect Routine

This title may look as unrealistic as “ ways to be happy in 2 minutes”. But it is not. The tips and tricks
for creating the perfect morning and evening routine are more than just words. If you follow
diligently, they can be the first key to your happiness and satisfaction.

Routines do not limit you. Rather, they give you freedom and positive energy. Routines are fun and
make you productive, and organized. They make you flexible and help you discover more about
yourself and your interests. By understanding your goals, establishing routines for them, and
adhering to them, you can gradually achieve the peaceful life you are looking for.

Eight Steps to Creating a Perfect Morning Routine

All routines are unique and informative. You just have to find the ideal one for you. How you start
your day can change the whole game. You can prioritize your time when your morning routine is in
sync. Here are some steps you can take to build your ideal lifestyle.

1. Maintain regular wake-up times.

Try to get up early every day. This single step affects more than half of the routine. Getting up early
gives you the next level of self-confidence. This is because you know I have enough time to achieve
what I am trying to do. Consistency is important to keep the same schedule.

2. Avoid using the phone right away

90% of us look for a phone as soon as we wake up, which is very unhealthy. Everyone knows that
hours are wasted checking for updates, replying to texts, and checking social media. Those extra
hours can be stressful for you.

3. Practicing self-affirmation

Self-assurance is very important. Telling yourself that you are capable, worthy, and loved; leads you
to a new level of energy. This improves engagement and efficiency.

4. Make your bed

When you wake up, make your bed, clear the side table, and clean the room immediately. A positive
the environment has a positive effect.

5. Refresh and drink water

Do yoga and morning exercises. Take a warm shower. Hydrate before ingesting caffeine. This will
boost your self-esteem and relax your mind.

6. Perform a daily skincare routine

After thorough research, create a skincare routine that suits your skin needs. Following the
skincare routine is very relaxing. Outer beauty leads to inner peace and happiness.

7. Get ready for the day

Dress up and make-up, even if you are working from home. It gives you confidence and different
energy to stay productive and creative all day long.

8. Eat breakfast within an hour after waking up.

Try eating a healthy breakfast, and if you have time, try preparing it yourself. Believe me, the
subsequent satisfaction is unrealistic. Please do not skip breakfast. We already know how important
this meal is. If you don’t, search it up.

Seven Steps to the Perfect Evening Routine

The evening routine is influential as it is associated with sleep and peace of mind. Most young
people have sleep problems, which is undoubtedly why they wake up tired, and their energy levels
are too low to function properly. Everything because of a messed up night routine. If you are the
struggling one, practice these habits before going to bed to see the magic.

1. Avoid caffeine at least 6 hours before bedtime

Drinking coffee can refresh you now, but you will have to deal with the consequences later. Insomnia is
one of them. Try cutting down on caffeine, especially during the evening hours.

2. Practice connecting with more people.

Try to connect with your loved ones for at least an hour each day. Talk to them about your life and
listen to them. Positivity and beautiful emotions can make you feel better. It removes most of your
stress and anxiety.

3. Exercise and Meditate

Meditation and exercise take your self-esteem to another level. Exercise strengthens you physically
and mentally, and meditation promotes your self-fulfillment.

4. Brush your teeth and follow your nightly skincare routine.

Brush your teeth before going to bed to keep your teeth strong and, of course, a beautiful smile.
Follow your nightly skincare as the beauty of the outside gives you the prestige of the inside.

5. Read some articles and books

Make books your best friends, and read at least one page every day. This calms the mind, and calm
helps you sleep peacefully.

6. Count the achievements and blessings of the day.

Review your day before going to bed. Count and reflect on your blessings. Is there a shelter to
protect you? Do you get cooked food twice that nourishes you? Do you have a warm bed to sleep
in? Do you have the privilege to study? If so, do you consider that many people don't have any of
these? Thank your Creator for everything He has blessed you with.

7. Set goals for the next day

Create a to-do list for the next day. Have a look at the essentials. Is there a duty? Do I need to meet
someone or is there a deadline? Is there a task/task to submit? This will take you one step further
the next day.


Remember that everyone is unique, and so is their lifestyle. Routines cannot be compared. All you
have to do is understand your goals and what is ideal for you. I hope you found this article useful.
Incorporate these steps into your lifestyle and see how the game changes.

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