LifeStyle & Environment

5 Things I Do To Stay Productive

Being a student and managing a career can be a dangerous combo when one thing impacts the other. Despite how difficult it appears, I try to be as productive as possible. That is because I enjoy being a workaholic. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. It adds meaning to my life, not to suggest that it would be meaningless without them. 

Focusing on things I enjoy doing brings me a different kind of fulfillment. My friends often look at me startled at how I stay productive. It is not as simple as it might seem but following a few steps over time has helped increase my productivity beyond what I had imagined. 

Here are 5 things that I do to stay productive.

  1. Make a To-Do List

Before I begin my day, I write a list of all the duties that I have. After I have outlined those, I prioritize my projects based on how important they are or what deadlines I need to meet. Because I work mostly from home thanks to the web-based tools for my thesis. This gives me an edge to plan ahead of the day before actually starting my day.

  1. Organize my workplace

After making my to-do list, I declutter my desk. I cannot function with books, notes, and stationery falling out of the holder. I arrange my workstation before I begin so that my stuff does not become a hindrance while I work. This allows me to stay focused during work and boosts my productivity.

  1. Take Breaks

Working on a task for more than an hour seems like being caught in a maze with no way out. So I take a 5-minute break every 30 to 25 minutes. During my break, I go to the patio for some fresh air. This is the Pomodoro Technique which helps in time management and helps me to increase productivity. This way, I can recharge and return to work with a clear mind.

  1. Exercise

Working for too long causes my muscles to ache and mentally exhausts me. After completing a major chunk of my job, I love to take a 15-minute break to either workout or skate for a while channeling my inner Max Mayfield.

  1. Lock away distractions

To be honest, the buzzing Facebook meme alerts, the latest Snapchat snap, and Instagram live notifications consume more than half of my supposedly dedicated working time. I spend hours scrolling through my social media profiles just to feel remorseful afterward.

So, an easy option is to hide my phone in a remote location where I can barely access it. While working, I lock my phone in my study table drawer and close any social media tabs that are open on my Chrome. This allows me to keep focused on my goal rather than lurking around the social apps. 


Productivity may seem like sorcery difficult to achieve. But,  trust me it is not. All it takes is a few steps to follow over some time till it becomes a habit and you start feeling the change in your routine. 

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