Food & Health

5 Ways To Mentally Relax Yourself After A Stressful Day

5 Ways To Mentally Relax Yourself After A Stressful Day


Life is a combination of happy and sad days. Some days could be overwhelming while others would make you laugh your lungs out. Both have something to teach us. However, sad days can lead to stress and anxiety which could be alarming if left untreated.

Sometimes, not even money or a  loving and caring partner could protect you from both of them. They are a part of life. So, we need to adopt a coping mechanism to survive.

I will be sharing some scientifically proven ways to relax after a stressful day in university, workplace or your OWN home.

1.   Practice Gratitude:

It is quite easy to blame a situation for your mood but it won’t fix your mood anyway. So, a powerful approach to divert your mind from negative thoughts is to start focusing on all the good things that have ever happened to you. It could be a job promotion, securing a scholarship or something as small as thanking God for having a roof over your head!

It is recommended to practice it before sleeping as it would help you sleep better. Think of all the blessings you have like the ability to walk on your feet, and having good friends, and parents by your side. These are priceless and no amount of money could help you OWN them!

Practicing gratitude allows your brain to release dopamine and serotonin. They are responsible for making us feel happy and content at heart which eventually improves our mood.

Here’s your guide to practicing gratitude according to THE HARVARD UNIVERSITY

·         Start a gratitude journal and keep it simple.

·          Jot down 5 good things you noticed today and read them every week.

·         Admire the beauty of nature like the chirping of birds, the colors of the sky or the fragrance of flowers etc.

·         Read gratitude quotes.

·         Think of a happy moment whenever a negative thought pops up in your head.

·         Write your recent accomplishment to make you feel good about yourself


2.   Breathing Exercises:

Taking deep breaths can help you deal with stress to some extent. It could be done in whatever position you are, just make sure you are comfortable. Follow the below-mentioned steps:

·         Try to lose hold of yourself.

·         Close your eyes.

·         Before starting, exhale to remove already present air in your lungs.

·         Inhale though your nose for 5 seconds.

·         Exhale while counting till 5.

·         Avoid distractions and completely focus on every step for better results.

·         Repeat this exercise for 5 minutes.


·         It increases oxygen flow and reduces blood pressure level,

·         Helps in achieving the state of mindfulness,

·         Increases calmness by reducing overall stress,

·         Allows you to get rid of accumulated air in lungs.


3.    Boast your oxytocin hormone:

Oxytocin hormone, also known as the love hormone, is produced by our bodies naturally. However, you can boast it through different activities. It would help you in relieving stress.

·         Call or text your friends and explain your situation.

·         Spend time with your family.

·         Cuddle your pet.

·         Read a good book.

·         Engage yourself in an act of kindness like texting your partner how much importance they hold in your life.

·         Do yoga or meditation.


4.   Aromatherapy:

“It is the essential oil therapy that promotes physical and emotional well-being”It is performed by the sense of smell and absorption in skin with the help of

·         Bathing salts

·         Essential oils

·         Diffusers

·         Body lotions, creams etc.

It helps to reduce stress and improve your mood. You can incorporate aromatherapy in several ways like:

  • ·         Taking a bath
  • ·         Lightening a candle
  • ·         Giving yourself massage


5.   Develop a coping mechanism:

This particular technique is going to take you a while to adopt but I can guarantee you a positive long-term benefit out of it! We all are surrounded by different problems and it depends on us how we solve them! Stress could be the result of guilt. Not speaking up for your rights, wronging someone, inability to say “no” to extra work and the list goes on. In a nutshell, you can avoid stress by:

·         Defining and protecting your boundaries.

·         Lowering expectations!

·         Learning to say no.

·         Asking for help.

·         Adding “me time” in your routine.

Next time when you’re experiencing stress I want you to remember:

               “You need to treat the trigger and not the symptoms!”



If you are stressed for days or weeks and the above-mentioned ways are not serving you, feel free to consult a psychologist or a physiatrist. Life could be tough at times and there’s nothing wrong with seeking help! It is a part of self-care and is totally acceptable!

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