Food & Health

5 benefits of plant based diet: what do you need to know?

Are you tired of feeling bloated, sluggish, and guilty about your carbon footprint? Well, have no fear the power of plants is here. A plant-based diet is not only good for your health but it's also a great way to reduce your impact on the environment. And let's be real, who doesn't want to save some cash on groceries and feel like a guardian at the same time? So put down your burger and listen up I am about to give you reasons to go plant-based!

Improved heart health

The plant-based diet has always been a friend of your heart. 


Plant-based foods come with plenty of dietary fibers. Low saturated fats and low cholesterol while eggs and meat on the other hand contain excess of them. Thus, the plant makes the winning combination for your heart health. 


Meat contains excess saturated fats so major setback for your heart health. 


Cutting back meat from the diet and replacing it with a green diet is the only possible way to keep your heart pumping. 


Besides cutting off meat, you also have to add anti-inflammatory foods to your diet in order to avoid cardiovascular diseases. These foods are mostly plant-based like virgin olive oil, whole grains, walnuts vegetables, etc. 


Weight management

Eating plants will help you drop your pounds or kilos too. 


Plant-based diets help the body in weight management. Research shows that plant-based eaters are thinner and low in body mass than those who eat diets high in inflammatory food. 


The reason for this weight loss is that plant-based foods are low on the glycemic index- they're digested slowly.


Moreover, they contain fibers that keep you full for longer times. 


These fibers are also extremely important for your gut health and lead to better digestion. 


And, a favorite of mine, these foods also release mood-boosting hormones which keep you happy and healthy. 

Lower risk of chronic diseases

The foods you eat make a difference. 


Leafy greens and other plant-based foods proved to be beneficial against many chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes type 2, stroke, and blood pressure. 

Plants are usually lower in saturated fats and animal foods which raises cholesterol levels and diabetes type 2. 


Plant-based foods also help prevent cancer. The best way to source a cancer-preventive diet is a plant-based diet including beans, nuts, grains vegetables, and fruits. 


High cholesterol leads to many other diseases such as blood pressure, heart disease, and the potential risk of stroke. 


Moving your diet from animal-based to plant-based reduces LDL(bad cholesterol) and increases HDL(good cholesterol). 

Environmental benefits

The plant-based diet has always been an eco-friendly diet and has numerous benefits. 

  • As animal agriculture is the major contributor to greenhouse emissions, a shift to a plant-based diet will reduce carbon footprint and help combat climate change. 

  • Animal farming uses excess resources like water and land. Clearing of forests for animal farms is also one of the major contributors to deforestation. Plant crops use less water and land can be used for forestation or for growing crops. In this way, we can use these precious natural resources for the betterment of the earth and ourselves. 

  • Animal agriculture leads to water and air pollution and also causes excess land degradation. By reducing animal dairy consumption, we can assist reduce pollution and protect the environment. 

Improves mental health and well-being

The physiological effects of plant-based diets are many but there are some mental ones too. 


Another reason to fill your plate with plants. A plant-centered diet reduces depression and improves well-being. 


Plants contain antioxidants that protect the brain against oxidative stress and free radicals. 


In addition, better gut health leads to better brain functioning. Inflammation in the gut is a key player in depression and anxiety. 



So there you have it folks. Eating plant-based diets are not just for rabbits and deers. It's a smart move for your brain, heart, and even for the planet. 


So why not give it a try? After all, who doesn't want to be healthy and environmentally conscious while enjoying a good bowl of their salad?


Going green also protects you from having a hole in your pocket. So let's ditch meat and dairy and embrace kale and quinoa and the planet will thank you. 

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