Food & Health

5 safe and effective ways to detox your body

Welcome to the world of detoxification! With rising pollution, plenty of processed foods and a desk-bound lifestyle, toxins are bombarded on our bodies, leading to sluggishness, procrastination and mental fatigue. 


But fear not, as there are safe and effective natural ways to detoxify your body. From nutrient dense foods to exercise and daily hacks, this article will let you know the knowledge that will give your body the comfort it deserves.


So put down your sugary drink and get ready to know how to detox your body safely and sustainably. 

Switch sugars to antioxidant foods.

Processed food contains sugar and free radicals. These free radicals threaten body cells, leading to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the condition of excess growth of free radicals.


Free radicals in the body lead to many other diseases, such as dementia, heart disease and cancer. 

Antioxidants, on the other hand, help the body counter oxidative stress. Always focus on getting food rich in nutrients and antioxidants.


Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants will remove free radicals and toxins from the body and ultimately lead to detoxifying the body. 

Hydrate your body

Water does more than quench your thirst. Yes, it is the most important way to detoxify your body.


Our body is 60% water; body cells need water to function correctly. During metabolism, cells produce carbon dioxide and nitrogenous wastes. These nitrogenous wastes are potent toxins and need water to get out of the body.


Water flushes the kidneys and removes harmful toxins through urination, sweating or breathing. So staying adequately hydrated is the best way to detoxify your body. 

Prioritize sleep

Sleeping well every night, including weekends, is very important for health. Better sleep helps to reorganize and recharge the brain and also removes toxins that accumulate in the brain throughout the day. 


Beta-amyloid is the brain's essential by-product, which is the root cause of Alzheimer's disease. 

With less sleep, your body has no time to detoxify these by-products, which accumulate inside the body.


Several short and long-term diseases are linked to less sleep, such as stress, depression, obesity, blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Plan your rest according to your age and follow a single sleep routine.


Good sleep also reduces stress and inflammation. So good sleep is essential for the proper functioning of the body and to detoxify the body.

Eat food rich in prebiotics.

Gut health plays a vital role in detoxifying and excreting nitrogenous wastes. The human gut contains beneficial bacteria that help in detoxification.


Probiotics, essential gut bacteria, feed on these prebiotics and produce short-range fatty acids, which work wonders for your gut health. 


A large intake of prebiotics is suitable for both the immune system and detoxification. Natural foods that contain these nutrients are tomatoes, avocados, bananas, onions, garlic and oat.


Regular exercise is a tiresome yet effective way to detoxify. The health benefits of exercise are not far from our eyes. It keeps you fit, controls your weight, and benefits your heart health.


As minor inflammation is required for wound healing, excess inflammation is dangerous for the body. Exercise keeps the inflammation in control and resultantly aids in detoxification. 


Sweating is one way to remove heavy metals and toxins from the body, such as lead, mercury, copper and arsenic. Moreover, exercise can do wonders for your mental health, including relieving stress. 


Detox diets and ideas are thriving, yet they are not necessary. It's because your body has its own highly efficient natural detoxification methods.


Still, you can help your body speed up this method by following the above mentioned methods. All these methods would help your body in many ways.


Above all, these methods will help you stabilize your mental health. Yesss! What's more important than that?

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