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8 Methods Everyone Knows About Treating Acne Without Medicines That You Do not

8 Methods Everyone Knows About Treating Acne Without Medicines That You Don't

Are you suffering from dry and flaky skin due to acne medications? Does your skin often get irritated after eating drugs for pimples? In that case, you have to stop taking medicines for the treatment of acne. Instead, try alternative methods like therapies and home remedies for effective results.

Typically, stubborn acne can be treated with different treatments. However, you will be surprised to know that you already have the ingredients for removing pimples at home. This article is all about medical restoratives and curatives to cure your pimples and acne scars. 

4 Best Acne Therapies 

Different therapeutics are adequate for treating different types of acne with or without oral drugs. Depending upon the condition of your skin, you can get one of these therapies from your dermatologist.

  1. Steroid Treatment 

Steroid therapy is specifically for treating cystic or swollen acne that forms nodules. Dermatologists call them steroid injections or cortisone injection shots. Cystic acne takes time to cure on its own. Therefore, injecting steroids into your skin will give you relief from inflammation and redness. 

Cortisone is very useful in shrinking nodular and cystic acne. It can be insinuated into either your face or your body. You can get multiple injections in one session. However, you have to wait for at least 1 or 2 months before getting another session. 

  1. Laser Therapy 

Laser therapy is another method that you can employ for treatment of acne. It is primarily used for removing pimple scars. However, it can be used to treat different types of acne. The reason is that laser light is very competent in killing bacteria that cause pimples. Moreover, it encourages your skin to form new layers while deteriorating the previous ones. 

Laser Treatment For Acne

On the contrary, it does not completely remove pustules completely but minimizes the pain and swelling caused by it. If you have obstinate acne, you must consult your dermatologist before taking any laser treatment. 

  1. Peeling Therapy 

It is called, "chemical peeling therapy" because it removes the top layer of old skin. In this type of therapy, the dermatologists identify your skin. After examination, they will apply different chemical solutions according to your skin condition. The chemical solutions include glycolic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, phytic acid, etc. 

Lactic acid peels are good for all skin types, while glycolic acid and salicylic acid peels are good for oily skin. All these chemical solutions exfoliate acne-prone skin, unclog pores and prevent skin breakouts. 

  1. Drainage And Extraction Treatment 

Our skin pores often get clogged with dead cells and sebum, leading to acne problems. Furthermore, clogged pores are one of the main causes of acne. Therefore, extracting clogged pores is a good way to treat acne. In this treatment, dermatologists use sterilized instruments to extract acne-causing contents. 

During treatment, large cysts are drained from under your skin. This extracts acne fluids, dirt, sebum, and dead cells that cause acne infection. However, your doctor can also inject antibiotics into the cyst to speed up the healing procedure. 

4 Effective Home Remedies for Acne

Home remedies can be efficient to treat acne without medicines. They include using homemade gels, applying essential oils, and making lifestyle changes. You can try some of the following: 

  1. Using Aloe Vera Gel 

Aloe Vera gel is a natural antibacterial and antiviral product. It reduces the appearance of acne and prevents your skin from breakouts. It contains protein and sugar molecules that make it an essential acne protectant. 

You can extract the Aloe Vera gel from an Aloe Vera plant in your home or purchase it from the store. For application, cleanse your skin with mild soap and apply a thin layer of gel. For immediate results, apply it twice a day. 

  1. Applying Tea Tree Oil 

Tea tree oil has proved to be very good for removing harmful bacteria from the skin that causes acne. It has anti-inflammatory properties, so it can reduce the swelling and redness of pimples readily. Moreover, it does not make your skin dry and flaky. It is a good substitute for acne medicines. 

For applying tea tree oil, take 1 part of tea tree oil and mix it with 9 parts of water. Dip a cotton swab in it and apply it to your face. You can repeat this process one to two times per day. 

  1. Regularly Exfoliate Your Skin

Exfoliation of the skin is a great way to prevent and treat acne. It helps in removing dead skin cells, which in turn removes dead follicles and sebum from the skin. Therefore, exfoliating the face with a cleanser is the best option to treat acne. Soaps have a high pH and can irritate skin easily. 

Skin Exfoliation 

Hence, try to use mild cleansers for exfoliation instead. For exfoliation, rinse your face thoroughly with water, apply a gentle cleanser, massage it in a circular motion, and wash your face. 

  1. Using Green Tea 

Green tea is rich in antioxidants. Many people do not have enough antioxidants in their skin cells. Thus, they are more vulnerable to acne. Consequently, using green tea will reduce sebum production and inflammation. You can either drink green tea daily or apply green tea extract to your face. 


In summary, there are multiple ways to treat acne without medicine. However, before trying any method, identify the causes of acne on your skin. After that, choose any therapy and home remedies that will be best for your treatment. Still, it is good to consult with a doctor and discuss your acne treatment options.

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