Food & Health

A sedentary lifestyle leads to hypertension


What is a Sedentary Lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle involves daily activities that expend less energy like sitting, watching TV, E-gaming, etc. It means physical inactivity during daily routine work. It is a global concern having a huge impact on the epidemiology of chronic diseases like hypertension. Physical inactivity carries many risk factors like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, etc.

Day by Day  Increase in  Hypertension Risk

Hypertension is a severe public health enigma having a higher risk of hospitalization. Difficulty in coping with day-to-day matters leads to anxiety, increased stress levels, serious health issues, morbidity, and mortality. Adopting healthy habits is the best solution for the prevention of hypertension and its devastating effects. Studies reveal that regular habit of physical exercise drops arterial pressure and declines cardiovascular mortality rates by 30%. Cutting down daily sedentary time improves blood pressure and cardiovascular risks.

Women vs.Men

 Leisure time is an important parameter to define sedentariness and its impact on hypertensive patients. Women are shortly engaged in physical activities than men and so spend more time in recreation. In pregnancy, women perform less work and this sedentary behavior causes high LDL and C-reactive proteins leading to gestational hypertension. According to The National Health Survey of Pakistan, 18% of adults over the age of 40 and every third person (33%) are at risk of hypertension

Role of physical activities

Physical activities are encouraged to lessen hypertension and improve fitness. Global recommendations for adults to take part in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, as well as muscle-strengthening activities for two or more days per week. Replacing sedentary time with exercise or healthy living habits reduces blood pressure so many other risks.

How to decrease risk of hypertension

Hypertensive patients unlike healthy people are unable to have normal lifestyles and dietary habits. They need to be more conscious about their diet intake, weight, drug consumption, and physical activities making their quality of life poor and decreasing their expectancy to live as hypertension leads to further serious disorders.

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