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Dapper And Dashing: Men’s Grooming And Fashion Tips

Dapper And Dashing: Men’s Grooming And Fashion Tips

Have you ever wondered why most women swoon over the men in the Kdrama world? While romance and those feel-good moments are one of the reasons, I would like to add one more reason: Their fashion sense and how they are always well groomed.
Here are some tips to make the ladies swoon over you.

Men’s Grooming Tips  

1- Skincare:

When it comes to skincare, it is not just limited to women. Every man should invest in a good skincare routine. A good cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen are a must. Whoever said, "Real men take care of their skin” was right. Many women are going to agree with me on this.

2- Haircare:

Gone are the days when men used to wash their hair with just water. You need to level up your game to have those dreamy fluffy hair. A good shampoo according to your hair type can work wonders. Conditioners and hair masks might feel like extra things to you but they are the key to getting those soft locks. 

3- Personal Hygiene: 

Personal hygiene includes taking baths frequently as men are more prone to sweating. A good sports body wash with a clean smell makes a good impression. Furthermore, trimming your beard and keeping it clean should be your priority. Cherry on top, using aftershave products and body lotions will keep you smelling good. 

4- Smelling Good: 

Your scent will enter the room even before you speak. Make sure to choose a perfume that resonates with your personality. Don’t go overboard with it to avoid overwhelming people with the smell. Remember moderation is the key.

5- Foot Care:

As we know that our feet get overlooked most of the time. However, it is said a person who takes care of their feet is a real clean freak. Soaking them in Epsom salt for 15 minutes does wonders. Foot care will not only impress the ladies but also help prevent fungal infections.

6- Oral Hygiene: 

Brushing your teeth twice a day is the bare minimum nowadays. Regular dental checkups and scaling appointments will keep your teeth in good health. Investing in a good floss to remove the plague is necessary.

That was all for the grooming part. Let’s talk about some fashion tips for men. Your fashion sense reflects your personality to people even before they have a chance to speak with you. Make sure to make a lasting impression on them through it. 

Men’s Fashion Tips 

Basic is the new trend:

Every man should have basic shirts in the colours white, black and beige. Polos on men are my personal favourite. They give a sophisticated look and make you look expensive. Moreover, Button-down shirts are comfortable to wear and look extremely good with rolled-up sleeves.  

What’s in and what’s not: 

Avoid wearing skinny jeans as these make you look cheap. Chinos and trousers are in nowadays and give you that sophisticated look.

Always wear clothes that fit you. Loose clothing gives the impression that you don’t put in effort in the way you dress.

Wear a turtleneck underneath your well-fitted blazer to give you that Kdrama male lead feeling. Plus women love this look.

Wear proper fitted shoes that will match your fit. Avoid wearing sneakers as they are outdated now.


I will conclude this blog with the famous quote of the well-known Tom Ford “Dressing well is a form of good manners.” Hopefully, these tips will help you to be your dapper and dashing form.

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