Food & Health



The food you eat all day has an important role in your fitness journey. We all know the advantages of a healthy diet, yes. BUT, did you know that what you eat right before your workout is just as important? Take a look at these pre-workout snacks. They're packed with nutrients and will boost the quality of your workout!


Best Pre-Workout Snacks to Fuel Your Energy:

Let's kick things off with some mouthwatering, energy-boosting pre-workout snacks that will take your exercise routine to the next level. But try not to overdo it with protein, fat, or fiber. And don’t forget, that taking advantage of a healthy diet can maximize the benefits of your workout routine.

Here are some snacks for you to start with:

1.       Nut butter on whole wheat toast

2.       Oatmeal topped with fresh fruits

3.       Berries mixed with low-fat yogurt

4.        Whole fruit and Vegetable smoothie

5.       Whole-grain crackers with cheese

These snacks are filled with macronutrients, they can boost the energy without making you feel full.

Are Energy Bars good before a workout?

Remember to keep a stash of energy bars in your desk, car, or gym bag for a quick pre-workout snack. But hold on a second! Before you grab just any energy bar for a quick pick-me-up, make sure to choose wisely. Many energy bars are packed with sugar and other not-so-healthy ingredients. Opt for bars made from whole foods with no added sugar to get that extra boost without the crash.


What types of food are good to eat before a workout?

Focus on macronutrients when selecting a pre-workout snack.

    Carbs are key:

Carbs come in many forms, from veggies to fries. And the type you choose matters. Foods like white rice, pasta, and soda offer quick but short-lived energy.

    Protein plays a part:

Protein is important for muscle repair and recovery. You can also get a protein bar for a quick and healthy pre-gym snack.

    Fat isn’t a necessity:

Fat is important for energy storage and protecting your organs, but you don’t need high-fat foods before a workout.


How long should you wait to work out after eating?

Now, let's talk timing. You want your snacks or meals to be mostly digested before you start exercising to maximize your performance.

There are some guidelines:

      Around 3 to 4 hours after a fulfilling meal.

      1 to 2 hours after a small meal.

      30 to 60 minutes when you take a light snack.

Keep in mind that everyone's body works differently, so you might need more or less time to digest before getting active.


What foods should you avoid before working out?

Remember to avoid junk food high in unhealthy fat and sugar, as well as high-fiber foods before your workout. Such as:

        Fast food

        Processed snacks, such as potato chips

        Spicy foods


        Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits

        Tomato sauce


If it’s been a while since your last meal, having a small healthy snack before your workout can help keep your energy up. So there you have it! With the right pre-workout snacks in your arsenal, you'll be ready to crush your fitness goals while feeling your best. Let's fuel those workouts and make those gains!

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