Beauty & Fashion

How to Create a Minimalist Skincare Routine That Works

How to Create a Minimalist Skincare Routine That Works 


Are you tired of slathering your face with Cosmetics? I have some solutions that give you effective results at minimal cost and save you time. There are some products in the market that are good for every skin type. Let’s discuss them in this blog.



Benefits of minimal skincare routine 


  1. Time saving

Less is enough when it comes to finding the perfect skincare routine. Because in today's world everyone is very busy in their personal as well as professional lives. So it's compulsory to stick with a good productive routine that actually benefits you.


  1. Cost effective 

Everyone likes the products that are pocket friendly. Some cosmetic brands provide exemplary products that are low ranged as well. Saeed Ghani, CeraVe, and Vince etc are the best priced products that I personally recommended.


  1. Stick to routine

The thing that matters the most is consistency; If you never compromise over it you will get the best results. I promise.


  1. Effective results 

Moisturizer with hyaluronic acid, sodium hydroxide, hydrated silica, antioxidants,aloe vera, vitamin E, glycerin and tea tree extracts are the best ones. These ingredients are good for all skin types and good for acne too. For the best results we must have morning and evening routines.


How to create minimal skincare routine 


  1. Identify your skin

The first thing before starting any routine is to know about your skin type whether it's oily, dry, mixture of both or sensitive. I’m giving you some tips to check your skin type:

  • Wash your face and then pat dry.

  • Do not apply anything and leave it for 40 minutes.

  • After that check the condition of your skin.


These steps will help you to find your skin type.


  1. Choose products 

After knowing the skin type the next step is to select the facial products that suit your skin. This phase is very crucial because if you choose the wrong one it will harm your skin. The skin of our face is very sensitive and we must hand-pick the best of it. We can't compromise on anything that's not good for our face.


Step 1: Facial cleanser 

Firstly you must clean the dirt off your skin with a fine cleanser.


Step 2: Moisturizer

Moisturizer is very essential for dry skin. It smooths your skin and gives it a glow.


Step 3: Sunscreen 

Sunscreen is very important for your skin because it protects you from sunburn, skin cancer(that is caused by UV rays), and premature aging. Choose the broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more.


  1. Keep it simple 

If you keep your routine simple and limited it's easy for you to regulate it in your busy routine. 


  1. Listen to your skin

You must cross check your skin after using the products that you selected. It's important for skin health. 


Last but not the least, the skin care routine is compulsory in today's world. Reason is the pollution that is increasing day by day and it affects the skin and makes it more sensitive.


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