Food & Health

Lavender Essential Oil for Anxiety and Stress


Feeling stressed after a tiring day at work? All we need is a cozy chair, a cup of tea, and a relaxed mind to spend our evening. But do we have all these together? Perhaps a relaxed mind is always missing from the equation. Lavender oil can help to uplift your mood and make you feel better. Lavender oil affects the parasympathetic nervous system that controls body processes associated with anxiety and stress. 

It’s estimated that about 10% of the adult population is affected by 12-month-long anxiety disorders. Lavender is more than just vibrant color and fragrance and can treat anxiety issues among the masses. It is the versatile oil available today that relieves stress and helps to manage anxiety. Lavender aromatherapy is the best to tackle sleep disorders, regulate breathing, and lift the mood. Here are ways lavender essential oil helps you feel calm and relaxed in no time. 

Help Manage Sleep

Stressful conditions at work cause insomnia. And sleep deprivation leads to chronic stress. If you’re sleep-deprived, it’s high time to be inclined toward Lavender oil to sleep peacefully at night. 

A study conducted on 30 nursing home residents revealed that lavender aromatherapy improves sleep quality and duration in the elderly population. 

Another study in the Iranian Red Crescent Journal confirmed that smelling lavender oil relaxes muscles and lower blood pressure, which helps to get a peaceful sleep.

Relax Your Muscles

There could be multiple reasons to get irritated. Having a bad day, argument with a friend, or whatnot! The refreshing aroma of lavender oil can soothe your senses and provide relief from stress. Smelling lavender can help to regulate bodily processes to a neutral state. Such a slowing heart rate, breath rate, and twitched muscles. The therapeutic properties of lavender oil help to relax muscles and lower stress levels. 

Treat Headaches

Headaches could be the reason to get anxious and stressed. Inhaling lavender aroma can relax the nervous system and treat headaches. A study confirmed that lavender oil is of great help in managing severe migraines. It also showed that people experienced a significant reduction in pain within 15 minutes of sniffing lavender aroma. 

Calm Nerves

You get anxious as soon as something doesn’t go as planned. Whether it’s grades, health, or relationships, you get annoyed. An anxious state lasts for a few minutes or hours, impacting your mood. Lavender oil calms the nerves and makes you feel relaxed. 

How to use Lavender Oil?

The lavender essential oil can be applied on the skin, or inhaling its aroma could do wonders. You can light lavender scent in your room to relax your nerves. Lavender oil can be blended with carrier oil and massaged. Applying directly on the skin sends signals to the limbic system - a part of the brain that helps regulate emotion. 

Remember essential oil are not regulated by FDA, so try to consult your doctor before using them. 


Lavender essential oil is one of the best aromatherapy to treat stressed muscle. Lavender essential oil help soothe anxiety. However, if you’re facing constant symptoms of anxiety, reach out to your doctor to treat your symptoms. 


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