Beauty & Fashion

Pixi Glow Tonic: The Oh-So-Famous Toner

Unless you have been living under a rock, you must have seen Pixi products making rounds on social media, specifically the oh-so-popular Glow Tonic. Not going to lie; their consistent, borderline-annoying marketing was actually effective. I mean, lets be honest. At one point, we all wanted to try it JUST to see what the hype was all about. So naturally, sis had to jump on the bandwagon. 

I purchased the smaller 100ml bottle first and tried it out for 3-4 weeks to see if I noticed a difference. And so, ladies, here is my honest, unfiltered review of the infamous Pixi Glow Tonic.



An unpopular opinion: brands should spare us with the "looks dont matter" nonsense because when I am spending so much money on something, it better be cute. Fortunately, Pixi has always had a decent brand aesthetic. Their products are adorable, and most of us have already seen those desirable PR packages on our favorite blog accounts. Am I right, or am I right? 

I am right. 

The Glow Tonic comes in a cute plastic bottle which, I will admit, I thought was glass until I saw someone do an ASMR unboxing. But, honestly, I am not mad about it because this way, it is lighter, safer, and more travel-friendly.

The toner comes in three sizes: 15 ml, 100 ml, and 250 ml. Excitingly, another version of this product is also available on the official Pixi Beauty website: the Glow Tonic To-Go, a small round box with pre-soaked pads inside. It is supposed to be a spill-free space-efficient way to travel with the toner.



I am not going to bore you with complicated ingredient names. Besides, lets be real, we dont care about them. So lets just talk about the most important ones that actually matter: 


The key ingredient in this toner is the 5% glycolic acid, a well-known chemical exfoliator. Apparently, incorporating AHA in beauty regimes is tricky, especially if you dont know much about skincare and its technicalities. This is why the Pixi Glow Tonic is well-loved in the beauty community: It is supposed to be "the gentlest chemical exfoliating skin care product on the market." Now THAT is something!  


Besides the AHA, other well-known ingredients are glycerin, aloe vera, and ginseng. These are famous for their hydration and antioxidant properties. Overall, the entire cast of this movie is pretty awesome! 


How To Use It 

Another reason behind the cult following is that it is effortless to use, even for someone who does not have a lot of experience with skincare. Here are the simple steps to be followed: 


1-Wash your face with a cleanser and pat the excess water off the skin. 
2-Take a few drops of the Glow Tonic onto a cotton pad and swipe it across the face. 
3-Wait for 30 to 60 seconds, and then move on with your skin care regimen, i.e., serum, cream, moisturizer, and sunblock. 
4-Do not forget the sunblock. Exfoliation removes a layer of dead cells from the skin, exposing your face to ultraviolet rays and other nasty things. Therefore, wearing sunscreen is extremely important if you plan to head out after using this toner.
5-Since it is one of the gentlest exfoliants on the market, you can use it daily. However, to be on the safer side, start with 2 to 3 times a week. Also, use it once daily. Some people have had great results by using it twice. However, for most users, that frequency can cause drying.  


Who Is It For, And What Does It Claim To Do?

The Pixi Glow Tonic is supposed to benefit all skin types and age groups. It is not exclusive to any gender, race, or skin tone. However, the ingredients have a better impact on certain people. For example, toner is especially best for oily and acne-prone skin. Also, people who frequently use makeup get better results from this product. 


The toner claims to remove all excess oil, makeup, and debris from the skin. In addition, it supposedly dissolves the dead cells (chemical exfoliation) and prevents breakouts. Simultaneously, it promises to make the skin brighter, fresher, and hydrated. Experienced users also claim that it removes scars and spots from previous breakouts.



Okay, I am going to be real with you here. Whether I am a student or earning my own money, 3500 PKR for 100 ml is not something I would call "affordable." And mind you, I got it for this price around the end of 2021. So, considering the inflation rate, it probably costs even more now. 

It is interesting how the actual price of the product is not that expensive. If you live in the US or earn in dollars, the cost is not unreasonable at all. In fact, it is considered one of the most affordable yet effective skincare items on the market. It is the currency that makes all the difference. 



In Pakistan, it is available on the following websites: 

Makeup Stash 
High Street Pk

Did It Work On My Skin?

Yes and no. 

When I first purchased and used this toner, I started three days a week and slowly moved to daily usage. To my disappointment, I did not notice any incredible results. In fact, I felt like it made my skin look duller than usual and caused breakouts. So, after giving it adequate time and commitment, I eventually stopped using it. 


When I decided to review it, I figured I should give it one last chance before putting my verdict out. So I used the toner once again, and here is what I noticed: 

-My skin looked cleaner after application, especially when I used a hydrating serum on top. I was not using a serum the first time I used it. 

-I would not boast too much about the brightening effect, though. Any brightness whatsoever only lasted a few minutes. 

-It did not cause breakouts this time. 

-In fact, to my surprise, I noticed some texture, marks, and acne started to disappear.

-However, as soon as I stopped using it, the effects started to wear off pretty quickly, meaning that you have to keep using the product for the results to last. Now, I know that no product in the world has permanent effects, but good skin care DOES leave long-lasting improvements in your skin. This toner does not do that. Instead, it is a magic potion you have to keep drinking every day. 

I think the toner worked better this time because I used it with a hydrating serum (hyaluronic acid). This is something that a lot of people have recommended. I did not follow this step before because I wanted to see what the toner did on its own. However, it probably gives a better effect if you have a complete skincare routine comprising of: 


Pros Of Pixi Glow Tonic:

No severe irritation, redness, or stinging
-Makes the skin look brighter and cleaner immediately 
-Suitable for all skin types
-Safe for everyday use 
-Cute and practical packaging
-Bottle does not leak or break easily
-Easy to use
-Smells great 

Cons Of Pixi Glow Tonic: 

-Can be expensive in Pakistan and India
-May not work for people with sensitive skin 
-Overusing can cause dryness
-Stopping usage reverses effects almost immediately 

Do I Recommend It?


Dont get me wrong; the product is not the worst thing out there. On the contrary, it is actually pretty good. However, most of my audience consists of students and salaried women, and it is not something I recommend spending so much money on. Here is why: 


If you earn in PKR and purchase it from a local website, this product will cost you a lot. To be honest, you can find good toners with similar effects at much lower prices. For example, I once used a Miniso toner that worked wonders for my skin and cost me less than 1000 PKR. So, clearly, Pixi Glow Tonic is not the only good toner out there. 

If an expensive product only works as long as I keep using it and it does not leave long-lasting effects on my skin, I would rather use something else. Something that does deeper work and improves my skin in the long run. I would rather invest in hydra facials, skin treatments, and doctor-recommended skin care.


Final Verdict

Overall, the Pixi Glow Tonic has not been worth the hype for me. I realize that many people might disagree since it has a huge fan following, and it has worked out for many people. But the thing is, even if it worked out for me, I would probably not repurchase it since I know that there are other excellent toners out there that cost much less and are more readily available. If there was anything that this toner did that other toners could not do, I would gladly repurchase it. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. 


Have you tried this toner? What has your experience been like? Also, what is YOUR current favorite toner? 


  • nopic
    • Mustafa
    • 26 September 2022

    Nice Article

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