Beauty & Fashion

Quick Morning Makeup Tips for Busy Women

Quick Morning Makeup Tips for Busy Women


When you've snoozed the alarm too many times, you need to hurry. Sometimes in the morning, I have to juggle between different tasks. These days offer minimum time to get ready for work. So, let's dive into some Quick Make-up Tips for Women.


Have A Healthy Skincare Routine:


So, first of all,  you must have a healthy skincare routine. It can make up for the days when you don't have much time for make-up and still look radiant with the bare minimum. After face wash, I use a Vitamin C serum and massage my face In circular and upward motions.

Once I apply the serum, my face already has a natural glow. After treating my skin, moisturizing is the most important part. It enhances the glow and smoothens the skin by locking the perfect amount of moisture in. This also makes our make-up stay longer.


Because I go into the sun, I can never skip sunblock! Trust me, I keep nagging my siblings to do the same when stepping outdoors. You can never go wrong with sunblock in this scorching heat and sun rays. My skin will thank me later for this consistency!


How to Get Your Makeup Done In Five Minutes::

In this fast-paced world, we need to get everything done and look good as well. That can keep us confident throughout the day.To get it done fast, I work with basic essentials only: concealer, mascara, tint, and lip color.


The 5-minute face technique can make you look professional and confident without wasting your precious time. Starting with the concealer to  cover up my dark circles or any blemishes and  marks. Then I apply mascara which makes my eyes look more vibrant and give an "awake"  appearance.


Lip color is the key to brightening up your whole face! You can go with some bright colors, even nude shades are game-changers. When I need more natural vibes, I go with some subtle shades. Sometimes, when I am indoors and want to look good, I apply lipstick. It makes my whole face brighten up even without any makeup.


Last but not least, face tint. I apply it on my cheeks with my fingertips real quick. Applying it minimally gives a cute natural color to the face. That's what my goal usually is, to look good and professional in as minimal make-up as possible.


What To Do And Not to Do for an Early Morning Make-Up Look:


On some days, I don't have much time to get ready. So, I use my essential tools and they save the day for me! Everyone should invest in these basic essentials to get the most professional look in no time! But if you have time and you want to go full glam, you do you, girl!



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