Food & Health

Reasons You’re Getting Neck Pain And How To Treat It

You often feel pain in or around your cervical spine, in the axial or radicular directions. It is neck pain, which is very common, primarily due to some medical conditions or injuries.

This pain can last for a shorter and longer period depending on the initial cause. It can reach acute to chronic levels if not properly treated. Therefore, it’s necessary to address this issue from the start.

There are several causes of neck pain. But, before heading on to its causes and treatments, let us first understand the structure of the neck.

Anatomy of the Neck

A student examining the anatomy of the neck

The neck region has seven bones (C1-C7), called vertebrae, separated by intervertebral discs. These discs provide the spine with mobility and serve as shock absorbers.

Each vertebral bone has a spinal canal, a passage for nerve bundles, and the spinal cord. The spinal cord is encased in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and further surrounded by a leathery sac-like layer of protection called the dura.

Two spinal nerves, called foramina, exit through small openings, delivered to muscles, skin, and tissues at each vertebral level. Eventually, the body parts experience sensation and movement through them.

Strong ligaments and muscles support the bone vertebrae, which shield the delicate spinal cord and nerves. They bind them and permit their safe movement.

If you are experiencing neck pain, the following symptoms must appear.

Symptoms of Neck Pain

The symptoms of neck pain include:

  • Stiff neck or decrease in motion during any activity.
  • Sharp pain in one localized area of the neck.
  • Pain during the cervical spine’s side-to-side or up-and-down movement.
  • Headache, numbness, or tingling in the arms and shoulders due to the compression of a nerve.
  • Cervicogenic headache or migraine.
  • Pain when the cervical spine is palpated.
  • Pain during overworking and over usage of mobile and computer. Because of this, neck pain in students is not unusual.

If your body exhibits any of the above symptoms, they must occur due to the following causes.

Reasons for Neck Pain

As the neck carries the weight of your skull, anything can become a reason for the pain. The causes of neck pain include:

Degeneration or wear and tear of joints

Degenerative disorders, including osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis, can cause severe neck pain. Similarly, stress can lead to disc degeneration in the spine, causing a herniated disc.

Moreover, muscle joints tend to wear and tear with age. In response to this condition, the body starts to form bone spurs which can affect the movement of the joints.

Accidents and injuries

A shock from sudden accidents in which the neck can whiplash (rebound in the opposite direction) may lead to pain and soreness. Additionally, the jerk may strain the muscles, nerves, joints, discs, ligaments, and neck’s soft tissues.

Poor posture

Poor posture during studies and long hours of hunching over the computer is the main reason for neck pain in students. Similarly, obesity, weakness of abdominal muscles, and poor positioning of sitting accessories can affect the neck.

Mental stress and nerve compression

Herniated discs and bone spurs compress the nerves. Similarly, the tightness and stiffness due to mental stresses from overworking are the ultimate causes. The pain can sometimes lead to severe levels, which require surgery.

Diseases and overgrowth of specific masses

Notably, diseases such as meningitisrheumatoid arthritis, and cancer become a reason for cervical pain. On the other hand, in rare cases, overgrowth of masses, including tumors, cysts, or bone spurs, lead to neck pain.

If you encounter pain from any of the above reasons, then below are some specific treatment options available for its cure.

Treatments for the Neck Pain

Preventions for the pain should be taken immediately to stop it from reaching severity.

Determining a treatment strategy primarily depends on identifying the location and any of the above causes.

There are several treatments for neck pain. Let’s look over some of them below;

Medications and wearing of a cervical collar

Muscle relaxants and prescribed medicines by the doctor can reduce inflammation and pain. Moreover, wearing a cervical collar provides support for the spine and alleviates several symptoms.

Maintain good posture and take breaks

Be sure that your shoulders should be straight beneath the skull and over the hips. Always maintain this posture while sitting, standing, and reading books. Similarly, never lean down or bend your neck on the screen while using gadgets.

Take short breaks during long working hours. Stretch your neck or shoulders and keep on light exercises to stay fit. Moreover, you can also leave your work to roam around the room or breathe in the fresh air.

Quit smoking and avoid heavy weight on shoulders

study reveals that smoking can increase the risk of developing pain. Therefore, it’s necessary to quit smoking before it quits you. Moreover, kindly try to avoid carrying a heavy weight on the shoulders, or it may strain your neck.

Implement proper sleeping position

Your body should be in line with your head and neck. Place a tiny pillow beneath your neck. To flatten your spinal muscles, try resting on your back with your thighs raised on the cushions.

If the above treatments for neck pain don’t lessen it, reach out to the doctor. It is preferable to seek medical advice for surgery or any other treatment.


The severity and length of neck pain symptoms can vary. Neck pain frequently occurs suddenly and lasts only a few days or weeks. Other times, it could develop a chronic nature.

Moreover, your neck pain could be modest and barely affect your everyday activities, or it could be severe and render you disabled. Therefore, check it, try various remedies, or see a neurosurgeon if necessary.

Kindly request the pain to stay away and please take care of your health because;

“Health is wealth, and staying healthy will fill your life with happiness.”

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