Food & Health


What is an energy Drink?
One of the most popularly recognized classes of soft drinks among the youth is represented by ‘energy 
drinks’. Energy drinks are factory-produced liquid that contains caffeine and additives such as guarana, 
taurine, ginseng, vitamins, herbal supplements, and sucrose. They were launched in 1987 in Europe; 
thereafter, the market expanded globally with the demand for energy drinks reaching new heights every 
day. As a widely successful business, the energy drink companies multiplied with various new brands and 
a multitude of new appealing flavors.
The Buzz on Energy Drinks
A documented Increase in the consumption of energy drinks has subsequently led to an increase in 
adverse and harmful effects among children and adolescents. Gradually, energy drinks have become the 
drink of choice among students with a demanding academic life. Energy drinks have become an easily 
accessible gateway for short-term energy boosting. However, no such benefit has been scientifically 
proven rather many studies have shown light upon the ill effects of energy drinks especially when 
consumed chronically. 
Misguiding Advertisement
Advertisements for energy drinks misguide young minds with certain phrases like ’anti fatigue’ ‘ 
concentration boosting’ and ‘energizing’, however, there is a significant lack of evidence and research to 
validate their claim. Energy Drinks may be produced to enhance mental and physical efficiency yet such 
effects are highly variable and dose dependent. Caffeine intoxication – a major and often underestimated 
risk of energy drink consumption. 
Hidden Caffeine in Energy Drinks
They usually contain 80– 150 mg of caffeine per 8 ounces, which is equivalent to 5 ounces of coffee or 
two 12-ounce cans of caffeinated soda. 
The Potential danger of Energy Drinks
This has nothing but detrimental effects on health like restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia,
diuresis, gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle twitching, rambling flow of thought and speech, cardiac 
arrhythmias, periods of exhaustion, and psychomotor agitation. Energy drinks that are consumed by 
students during late-nightstudy sessions have a markedly negative impact on sleep patterns and circadian 
rhythm and paradoxically lead to more disturbed sleep, exhaustion, and decreased productivity. To top it 
all, the students are at an increased risk of cardiovascular problems like arrhythmias and hypertension. 
Furthermore, the high content of sugars and acids not only contributes to dental caries but also has a 
carcinogenic potential and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The Conclusion
Gradually, certain awareness campaigns have been carried out which have led to concerns being raised 
against energy drinks. However, big-shot companies claim that their products are safe and continue to 
reach new highs in their sales. There are limited comprehensive literature reviews that illustrate in detail 
the suitability and safety related to energy drink consumption, particularly among young adults. More 
awareness needs to be raised related to this concern.

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