Food & Health




Research shows that PCOS is the most common hormonal problem in the female of U.S. According to research 5 to 10% of reproductive-aged females in the U.S have this problem. But you might be thinking that what is PCOS? What are its symptoms? Is it curable or not? Whether can you be affected by it or nor? Then relax my friends! This article will resolve all your queries.



Before finding the recovery of PCOS, let us discuss first what is PCOS?


What Is PCOS:

PCOS is the abbreviation of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. In which the female body is unable to release eggs. But the querry is that then where will the eggs go? Actually, the eggs stay in the ovary and the ovary starts to produce fluid-filled sacs or follicles around the eggs and makes it difficult for the female to produce babies.


What Happens In PCOS?

If you see excess hairs on your face or you get periods before or after your expected date continuously then you must contact your gynecologist. Because you might be suffering from PCOS as these all are included in the symptoms of PCOS.


Major Symptoms of PCOS:

Irregular periods

Excess growth of facial or body hair

Difficulty in pregnancy



What is PCOS

A hormonal disease related to reproductive-aged females.

What does it do?

It creates difficulty in producing babies.


Irregular periods


Excess production of male hormone in female body




Now the question must be arise in your mind that whether PCOS is curable or not? Actually, it cannot be cured permanently but do not loss your hope because it can be treated tempoararily. But it all depends how would you treat it. Symptoms of PCOS can be minimized. It can be treated by two ways:

1. Changes in lifestyle

2. Medication


1.Chnages In Lifestyle:

Doctors suggest slighty change in lifestyle to PCOS patients. They recommend exercises for lossing their weight. Mostly doctors suggest to loss 5% of your total weight. Try your best to avoid junk food. Make a schedule of your eating and sleeping habits. Having a healthy lifestyle can minimize the effects of PCOS.


2. Medication:

Another treatment to cure PCOS is medication. Doctors recommend you medicines to cure the symptoms of PCOS. They give you medicines to minimize the effect of male harmones that increases in PCOS patients. You can ask for weight loss medicines from your doctor. If you have the symptoms of irregular periods so your doctor can recommend you some medicines to cure this too.



1.Our major problem is that we generally do not research over things and do not consult with their respective experts. Although we listen to the myths and keep our firm belief on them.

Likewise, its a common myth that people who are overweight are generally get PCOS but the fact is that women with PCOS gey weight easily.


2. Another viral myth is that women with PCOS cannot produce babies but the fact is that they may get difficulty in producing babies but still they can have babies.


Bottom Line:

This article will surely help you in knowing about PCOS and how can you recover from it.

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