
Self-Driving Cars: Everything We Know So Far

Did you know self-driving cars were introduced in the 1920s? The idea of autonomous vehicles is not that old. But why are they not popular?

The lack of knowledge and understating of how these cars work leads to perception challenges among the masses.

Let us look at what we know so far.


How Do Self-Driving Cars Work?

These cars are driven using advanced vehicle safety technologies. They use computers, electronics, and sensors to function. The technology works in place of driver assistance using automated safety features to navigate the road. 

A combination of sensors, software, radar, GPS, laser beams, and cameras are also used to monitor road conditions.


Are Driverless Cars Safe?


One of the most convincing factors for driverless cars is the expectation of reduced road accidents and a guarantee of safety for passengers and pedestrians.

However, there are certain loopholes since there is no safety standard in place, and it is an unregulated industry.

The software is more prone to computer viruses, can get hacked, or experience a computer malfunction.


Are These Cars Fully Autonomous?


Most self-driving cars being run through multiple tests have pedals, steering wheels, and many control systems that a human driver may need.

These cars are also programmed to hand over their control to the driver in case of an emergency. This shows that they are not fully autonomous, and you will have to be aware of your surroundings and road conditions while driving these cars.


Are Fully Autonomous Vehicles Just a Dream?


Multiple companies are working on designing cars without pedals and steering wheels. No matter the traffic pattern or the road conditions, these cars are never going to use human assistance.

Nonetheless, it is challenging, and a 100% autonomous car is still a dream because AI is not capable of replacing a human brain yet.


How To Get One For Yourself?


It is not possible to own an autonomous vehicle yet. The cars currently on the road do have the potential to become autonomous one day.

It is because of the driver-assistance systems that have become common in the present era. It includes blind-spot monitors, emergency braking assistance, and other such systems.

As technology advances, these systems will only improve, and you can probably own a driverless car in the near future.


Why Are These Cars Not On The Road Today?


You do not see fully autonomous cars on the road for multiple reasons. The most common ones include:

  • Lack of regulations
  • Low rate of consumer trust
  • Unfavorable conditions for sensors
  • Inability of machine learning to replace the human assumption

Highways are expected to see driverless cars in a decade or two. However, cities must wait for several decades to enjoy the luxury of autonomous vehicles. 





The current testing gives much hope, but there is a long way to go before you see driverless cars become a norm.

Even though many automotive companies have promised such vehicles in the near future, they are still years away.

In the meantime, you can enjoy the self-driving features available in cars today.



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