Adan Malik

Adan Malik


Content Writer


Hi! I'm Adan, and I love to tell stories!

But I don't love to freak out people with my annoying voice, so I let my keyboard do the work.

Ever since I discovered the power of words, my fingers on the keyboard never stopped.

Over the past 3 years, I've only seen my love for writing grow, and so has my expertise in crafting compelling stories across a spectrum of niches.

The result? Today, I have 500+ of my articles helping thousands of people on the internet.

Whether it's blog posts, articles, or creative writing, I pour my heart into every word, filling the gaps on the internet and engaging with my audience at every step.

If you need someone to put themselves in your audience's shoes, hit me up, and let's explore the world of words together!


Badges (if any)

***No rising talent badge yet 😔***